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Breastfeeding Support Wall of Fame

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"Breastfeeding: A Winning Goal for Life" is the 2014 theme for World Breastfeeding Week. We know you don't reach your breastfeeding goals alone, so we want to recognize the person, group or organization that supported your breastfeeding journey. All nominees are going to be recognized on our Breastfeeding Support Wall of Fame! Let us know if you'd like to add someone to our growing Breastfeeding Support Wall of Fame.

Thanks to: Thanks from: 2014 Nominations
My Aunts Abbie They told me all good things take time so i wasnt suppose to give up to soon so i didnt and my baby is now breastfeeding wonderfully.
Cheryl Bradshaw,
Midwife Center of Pgh
Maureen Ittig Cheryl Bradshaw, Lactation Consultant at the Midwife Center of Pittsburgh.  She called and gave advice and support at the moment I was most likely to drop breastfeeding when my son was 2 weeks old. Now he is a year and still bf-ing.
Heather Smith Rachel Cunningham My Mom (Heather Smith) has been my inspiration. She breastfed me, and when I was contemplating not even trying to breastfeed my second son (with my first I was a miserable failure) she kept encouraging me to relax and to not give up. She told me how much easier it would be if my son and I did get the hang of it. I think this encouraged me to push through some of the original troubles I had and become successful at breastfeeding my son!
JoEllen Noble, Clermont County WIC Andrea Butcher JoEllen Noble, Lactation Consultant at the Clermont County WIC Program in Cincinnati, OH...She's so sweet and supportive! Also, she is resourcefull, understanding and a great encourager.  My mother does not live close to us so her being there for me is so important. I thank God for JoEllen and her team. Without them I probably would not be breastfeeding! I tell everybody about her and how much she's helped me and my daughter throughout this process. There were many things I did not know that she taught me. I can rest assurred that when my daughter has a child I will be able to teach her the ropes of all things breastfeeding! Thank God!
Ryan, my husband Chelsea Komar Ryan, my husband has been the biggest supporter throughout the time i have breastfed. He had never been in close encounters with someone that breadtfed so when i chose to it was a big change for him. Anytime i got frustrated and wanted to give up he encouraged me to take a breath and keep going and I was doing great.  I wouldn't have breastfed my first and current second child for as long as I did without his help and support. Ryan would research wny difficulties I was encountering and help me find a solution. He's a wonderful friend, supporter, husband and father. Thank you, Ryan!
Colbee Amanda Berry my long time friend, colbee. since before I had even given birth to my second baby she was helping me and giving me advice. after emma was born I a lot of challanges and she was always there, at all times of the day. I can truly say if it wasn't for her I don't think I would be at 9 months strong of breastfeeding. Emma is 100% mama milk  :) thank you colbee
Judy Gutowski
Lactation Consultant at Mt View Pediatrics
Tina Danser There are so many people that helped me (Dawn, Michelle from Latrobe WIC, my hubby, my daughter), but I would like to nominate Judy Gutkowski, IBCLC  From Mt View Pediatrics. She helped to identify a physical problem causing great difficulty for my sweet baby, Grace. Without Judy's help,Grace would have ended up on formula... We are proud to say that we are still going strong after 10 months. Thank you so much Judy- keep up the awesome work!
Adrien Cameron Jamie Cameron i want to nominate my wife adrien cameron. even though she had latch issues with our daughter she never gave up. she became an exclusive pumper. she pumped around the clock to establish her supply and create a freezer stash for our daughter. she's an amazing woman. when her and my daughter chose to stop breastfeeding she donated 800 ounces of left over milk to another mom in need. she is even part of a group on facebook to help other moms through their pumping journeys. she's a true inspiration to myself, our daughter, and other pumping moms out there.
Jamie Cameron Adrien Cameron my husband jamie cameron. he got up with my daughter for many late night feedings so i could sleep for a while before my next pump. i was an exclusive pumper. it was a hard journey and meant my husband had to help out a lot more than most would think. he never let me give up and always had my back when i was having a rough time and felt so over pumping and wanted to quit. i'm proud to say that with his help i was able to breastfeed my daughter until she was a year old! thanks dear baby girl and i love you!
Adrien Cameron Sue Bartown my daughter adrien cameron. her journey was hard but she never gave up. she has inspired me with her dedication to help many local young moms in our town during their journeys as well. i'm proud of her for never giving up during her rough times and for helping so many others during theirs.
Best for Babes Foundation Nina Anders Simpson Best for Babes
Erin Andria Zutich I have been blessed to have so many supporters in our breastfeeding journey, but one person stands out specifically in my mind. My cousin Erin was so kind and helpful when I had our daughter and didn't mind me probing her with questions about supply. She came and visited us with all kinds of breastfeeding goodies and resources. It was so nice to learn about all of the things she was giving me (breast pads, milkmaid tea, sterilizing bags for pump parts, nursing bras, and especially mommy gear and the mom's cafe LLLI group) and to have someone to talk to about all of my concerns. I am so grateful for all of her support and hope to encourage others the way she has me.
Nick, my husband Becky Simon Scherer My husband, Nick. Always there, gets up at night when the babies are little. Best husband and breastfeeding supporter ever!!
My LLL Group Tara Abbott La Leche League of Carson Valley
My Mom Lauren Roach Bodin My mom has been the biggest support! She nursed both me and my brother in the late 70's and early 80's. Living in Louisiana she had no access to lactation consultants and everyone she knew was doing formula. She found a book and followed it. She had a very hard time, but never have up. When she went back to work she found a manual express pump and pumped milk for us. She nursed both of us well past our first birthdays. I was especially difficult to nurse because all I wanted to do was sleep. Therefore I lost too much weight. The dr told her I needed to start formula so instead of giving up nursing she supplemented her milk with formula to ensure that I would gain weight. She later had a case of baby blues and family encouraged her to stop, but there was no stopping her! She kept on! Lucky, lucky, me!! Thanks to her encouragement and support I'm still nursing my 14 month old! My mom also encourages the importance of safe sleep for a living. She goes above and beyond to help new moms understand the importance of safe sleep habits. I am so very proud and blessed to be able to call her my mom!
My Sisters Christina Pratt 7 of my 8 sisters, they alll breast feed, we all support eachother :)
Angel Vogel AnneThalman My LLL leader. She has answered all my questions and supported me. My daughter is almost 15 months and we are still going strong. She even supported me in donating to the national milk bank - I donated over 5000 ounces!
Sandy Crumrine Holly Crumrine She shared stories of difficulties when she was breastfeeding and encouraged me that the tough time doesn't last forever!
 Sheena Pile Tiffany Gindlesperger She's the only person i knew who extended nursed her daughter and didn't make me feel weird for choosing the same for my son.
 Jill Ross Erin Behnke My mom nursed all of her kids at a time when it wasn't very popular to do so.
 Julie Loya Libby Rhoades Thanks!
Thanks to:
Thanks from:
2013 Nominations
Debbi Perl, Lactation Consultant at Somerset Hosp. Andrea My inspiration was Debbi Perl, the lactation consultant at the Somerset Hospital.  I remember being really frustrated when I was breastfeeding our little boy.  When I called Debbi for advice, I was ready to give up on breastfeeding.  Debbi turned my frustration and tears into a positive experience, and I went on to breastfeed  him for 15 months.
I had such a great experience that I chose to breastfeed our little girl too; I was lucky enough to be able to breastfeed her for 15 months too. Thank you Debbi!
Dr. Shavonda Sherrow Nicole Dr. Shavonda Sherrow told me about FenuGreek with my first child and I unfortunately got this information past the breast feeding time frame so my milk dried up but I remembered FenuGreek on my second child, so I was able to implement this substance and help me breast feed on the second time around
Sharon Hanlon, nurse at Nason Hospital Becky I see your shop is nominating people who help breastfeeding Moms... My savior is Sharon Hanlon. She is a registered nurse from Nason Hospital. She kept encouraging me even when I was ready to throw the towel in. She made 2 house visits to give me some 1 on 1 help and also checked up on us afterwards! She is very caring and so patient. Sharon would stop after working a long day in L&D just to help me! I'm so blessed to have had Sharon Hanlon in my time of need!
Judy Gutowski, Lactation Consultant,
CCP Mountain View Pediatrics

My daughter was born seven weeks premature due to my severe preeclampsia. She spent seventeen days in the NICU at Magee Women’s Hospital in Pittsburgh. Due to pneumonia and bradycardia, Elizabeth was too frail to nurse. And, despite my best efforts, I was unable to get my milk supply up due to my pump dependency. But, that was only half of the battle.
Once I got her home from the NICU, she had nipple confusion and would not nurse. With a preemie on an apnea/bradycardia monitor, a two-year-old to chase and a husband deployed overseas, things were a mess. When we met Judy, I had mastitis and was on the verge of giving up! But, Judy helped us through it. She got my supply up with pills (More Milk Plus) and a better pump. She had me try syringe feeding and then a Medela SNS. Slowly but surely, my supply became efficient, and Elizabeth was finished with bottles!
I am proud to say that my sweet Elizabeth nursed until she was eighteen months, and it wouldn’t have been possible without Judy’s help!

My Husband! Tara My husband has been my biggest supporter throughout my breastfeeding journeys - I'm currently pumping and donating breast milk to another mom/baby while I nourish our latest addition, and he continues to support/encourage me through this amazing journey, as well.  I'm thankful to have a partner who values the breastfeeding relationships I have with my children and sees breastfeeding as a family affair!!
Cynthia Butler Amanda  
Teresa Vinisky, Leader & Greensburg PA La Leche League Jenny As a girl, I watched relatives nursing their babies and dreamed of doing the same one day. When my first child was born 5 weeks early, she was not exactly a great nurser. I couldn't get her to latch...she was always asleep! When in the hospital, the doctor was no help and the nurse told me that I had better give my baby formula or she'd be sick and I'd be going home without her. In tears, I asked my husband what to do. He found the number the for the Greensburg La Leche League and I called right from my hospital bed. The leader I spoke with was so supportive that she helped me right over the phone. Needless to say, thanks to her support, I worked with my daughter for 2 weeks to help her master the latch :) We went on to enjoy almost 2 years of breastfeeding....all thanks to Teresa Vinisky, who I met and befriended 14 months after the birth of my daughter. Since then, she has offered advice for myself and friends when needed. She is always there to take a call or an e-mail to support a new mom. She is, without a doubt, my breastfeeding hero :)
My Mom Julie My mom - since I was little she often talked about how healthy both my brother & I were as a result of her breast feeding us. This inspired me when I had my first daughter 4 years ago. I breast fed her for 14 months. I just had my second daughter and have been nursing her since she was born 2 months ago.
Julie Gallegos, certified lactation consultant Erica My doula gave me her number just in case I needed it. A few days after giving birth to my little baby boy I was experiencing a lot of pain and difficulty in nursing, due to flat nipples, improper latch on, and engorgement. I began to dread each nursing session as my nipples had become cracked and bleeding making it very painful. On top of this was the constant throbbing and pain of very engorged breasts. I sent Julie a text message explaining my question, and even though it was 9:30pm at night she got back with me right away. She spent a lot of time with me on the phone coaching me through what to do, as well as emailing me links to video clips that showed the proper latch and how to hand express milk. She also scheduled an appointment for me to meet with her in person so she could observe our nursing and give further tips. Without Julie's help I don't know if I would have been able to survive the pain, heal, and continue with breastfeeding only for my baby. I am so thankful for her help and availability as I began my breastfeeding journey. My baby boy is doing well now, latching on easily, and gaining weight.
My husband, Adam Erin My husband Adam has been my rock... Our precious baby boy is now 8 weeks old... I almost gave up three times now... Trouble from day one and can only nurse with a shield due to an inverted on one side and a flat on the other... He helps me with him getting on when he's home from work and has supported me taking two weeks longer on my maternity leave even though it's without pay... He also helped me through the biggest hiccup in my road of breastfeeding... Poison ivy on the breast... if it wasn't for my husband helping keep the baby calm while I washed all the ivy treatment off before every feeding I would have given up... can't live without his support!!!
Johnstown Breastfeeding FB Group Tamera Greater Johnstown Breastfeeding Support Group - a FB group started by sisters (Kristen and Millie).  Just a great group of women supporting breast feeding, answering questions, helping with any problems.  I enjoy being a part of such a lovely group! 
 The Leaky Boob on FB  Kari The leaky Boob on facebook was so helpful to me! They answered my questions and connected me with other bfing moms!
 Alexis Southward  Jen Alexis Southward- Very dedicated, cool & collected! She's just so amazing at motherhood and I adore her :)
My Mom Julia My mom was instrumental in my nursing relationship with my sons. Watching her nurse my younger brothers gave me the courage to nurse my babies whenever and wherever they needed to nurse. She encouraged me when people tried to tear me down for my Breastfeeding choices and helped me find resources on tandem nursing when I found out I was pregnant with my second baby. My nursing relationship with my boys would have looked very different if I did not have her around!
Johnstown Breastfeeding FB Group Stef I am thankful for sisters Millie and Kristen for starting the greater johnstown breastfeeding support group on facebook.  It is a great resource to find mom-to-mom support on breastfeeding and other topics. The group started small about two years ago and has since grown to over 130 members.  I have found so much advice and knowledge from this great group of women and I'm not sure I would have nursed as long as I did (21 months) without their encouragement.  I hope to do the same with my next child.  Thank you both again for creating a safe haven for moms to share their experiences and support each other along this journey.
My husband Brian Meghan My husband, Brian, was most certainly my best supporter!  I had a rough time with my first son, but made it to a year, and thought it would be easier the second time, since I was a pro.  It was not.  My second was awful, and I cracked and bled many times.  It was so painful to nurse and everyone said he was latching correctly, but he just had a really tight latch, which would hopefully correct itself in time.  I was at the end of my rope many times, and it so badly.  My husband worked during the day, but still got up every time through the night and changed every diaper in that first 6 months just so I could go to the bathroom, get a glass of water, and mentally prepare myself for each feeding.  Once again we made it to a year and our boys are doing amazing, but I absolutely could not have done it without my husband!
Facebook Group Lindsey ibreastfeed Facebook group
My cousin
Lori C.
Abigail Among a very supportive family & of course the amazing Mommy Gear team one person truly stands out-my cousin Lori C.  She helped along the way so much, though we are separated by distance, she was always there for me.  Any question I had about breastfeeding, she was open and willing to help or answer my questions to the best her knowledge from her recent experiences breastfeeding.  She had more of an impact then she will every know & her support truly helped me through my breastfeeding journey and now the knowledge and experience to share and help others. 
My Mom Jennifer My mom is the person that opened my eyes to breastfeeding. By sharing her positive experience with nursing she made me realize that it was and IS the best choice for me. I am currently nursing baby number three and couldn't be prouder of myself for committing to breastfeeding. My mom is always patting me on the back and keeping me motivated. I am so thankful for her continuous breastfeeding support. 
 My Midwife, Betie Sheets  Sunny I nominate my midwife, Ms. Betie Sheets of Full of Grace Birth Services. When I first expressed my concern regarding the loss of my milk for my first two sons and inquired if she knew much abuot breastfeeding support, she replied that she was both a LaLeche League leader for 14 years, and the Commonwealth of Virginia's first registered Placenta Encapsulation specialist. She gave me plenty of encouragement, and I found a local PE Specialist who prepared the supplements that have kept me nursing abundantly for over a year since the birth of my daughter! Many thanks to Bettie for introducing me to PE, for support with breastfeeding and post-partum recovery!
La Leche League of Ligonier, Suzanne Stratford and Dawn Higgins Jen When my son was just two weeks old, I took him to his first "Moms' Cafe meeting at Mommy Gear.  Dawn had been recommending the meetings to me throughout my pregnancy, and I was so excited for the first one I could attend.  Well, after a super-stressful morning getting ready for my first solo outing with our new baby, I was greeted by the calming presence of Suzanne.  She and the other moms at the meeting welcomed J and me wholeheartedly.  I left the meeting feeling rejeuvinated, more confident, and much less confused about what it meant to have a breastfed baby.  I have barely missed a meeting since and now have my own LLL group in the town my husband and I have moved to.  I believe strongly in the importance of support groups like La Leche League, because without accurate information coming from supportive moms, many of us wouldn't have made it past those first weeks!  Now, I am nursing my second son, and the journey continues... What began as a simple need to get out of the house with a two-week-old has transformed into a way of life for our family.  I couldn't imagine becoming the confident mom I am today without LLL of Ligonier, Dawn and Suzanne.  I would nominate them whether it was for a chance to win something or not, because I am so grateful for their influences in my mothering life.
my sister, Amanda Dewing- Maertins Joy Elizabeth   I had a rough time breastfeeding the first few months and almost quit several times. Through hours of phone calls and pages of texts, she gave me advice, supported me, and encouraged me to keep at it. Even in the middle of the night with a three-hour time difference, she would respond to my frantic, anguished texts. She gently reminded me of the amazing, irreplaceable gift I was giving my baby. With her help, I was able to see the light at the end of the tunnel even during the darkest, most painful times. Thanks to Amanda's support and love, my daughter and I are happily nursing as we approach the 2-year mark! Love you, sissy!
 Kristina Clement  Laura Kristina Clement, taught me everything I know and provided encouragement at exactly the right time to get me to hang in there and get my daughter on the breast, after six weeks of pumping.
 My husband, Keving Angela From the moment our daughter, Isadora, was born, he was by my side learning with me to nurse. He was there through all meetings with five different lactation specialists and told them, "We are a nursing family."  When we came home from the hospital, he told me, "Don't worry about a thing, I will do everything, you just focus on nursing." Even when the going got tough, he was right by my side, helping our girl to latch and give me encouragement to continue. It's three months later and we are a successful nursing family. I truly believe it is due to my husband's support!
My Mother  Brittany My mother was always so pro breastfeeding. When it came time for me to have a child, there was no question, I was going to breastfeed too! Going in with the attitude of "this is how it is" really helped me persevere! My mom was there for me for moral and physical support... Even in the wee hrs of he morning when giving up was most likely! 
 My cousin, Jill O'Reilly Jenn  She has nursed 6 children even though she always says she does not enjoy breastfeeding she does what is best for her babies. I only nursed my first for 8 months she insprired me to nurse my 2nd to 1 yr + even though it was tough we made it to 15 months :)
 Mom2Mom of KMC in Germany Emma, Edilma, Billie, Astrid, Miriam, Emma says "Mom2Mom of the KMC has been a terrific support for me in my breastfeeding journey.  Anytime I had a question/problem with breastfeeding they were there to help." Miriams seconds that emotion, "Mom2Mom KMC providing breastfeeding support and social network for moms overseas."
Jayson, my husband Lynn With my daughter born premature and needing to go to Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh, my husband supported me and made sure that I had what I needed to pump, as our daughter was not able to breastfeed right away. When our daughter returned home, my husband continued to support me in breastfeeding, even though I was tired and exhausted (mentally/physically) he took on extra tasks and encouraged me to continue. I was able to breast feed until my daughter was 15 months old!
 Cheryl Nelson Mallery Cheryl Nelson, one of my mother's coworkers and the mother of two boys I used to babysit, was the first person to help my son latch on correctly.  I begged for help at the hospital and later from the only lactation consultant in the area, but the best I could get was a nipple shield and an offer for formula coupons.  Nobody was willing to pay attention and take the time to actually help us.  After five weeks, Cheryl, a nursing instructor, told my mom to bring me to her office to see if there was anything she could do.  After watching me try to nurse him, she suggested I try a football hold instead and helped me support him.  He latched right on and nursed on his own for the first time!  After that, we successfully and happily nursed for two years, even through 7 months of pumping at work and years of cutting foods out of my diet due to his severe allergies.  I doubt he would have thrived on formula due to those allergies; on my milk, he grew strong and healthy.  I was even able to donate over 1500 oz to a sweet little girl.  None of that would have been possible without Cheryl's willingness to take a little time out of her day and help me.  I'm now nursing my second child, a daughter, and hope I can be as much of an encouragement to other new and nursing mothers as Cheryl was to me.
 My Mom Amy My mom, who breastfed me until I self-weaned at 18 months and my brother until he self-weaned at 3!  She stayed for months after each of my births and cared for me as the mother so I could focus on breastfeeding my babies.
 Diana Jordan, IBCLC  Jillian Not only is she a wonderful local support for many mothers trying to breastfeed successfully, but she is my own mother!  Lucky me!
 Colleen Radebaugh Letha  My amazing mom who made breastfeeding the most normal thing in world. Then she came and took care of me and my house for a few weeks so all I had to do was rest and feed the baby. She has helped so many women realize that they can (and should!) breastfeed. She is an inspiration, and I'm so lucky to have her as a mom.